our internships

We offer a quarterly unpaid internship in which university students work with us to learn data visualization tools and skills including Tableau Public and the LV5D Project Management Framework.

Accelerate your data visualization career with LiftedViz.


You will be learning alongside a small pod of entry-level data visualizers creating data viz e-learning content!

  • 15 hours a week for 10 weeks

  • Preset schedule

  • Fully virtual using your laptop and internet connection (assistance may be available if needed)

  • Work on real client case-studies with the support of a dedicated mentor

  • Support and maintain a growing data visualization asset base of e-learning resources


You will learn Tableau Public rooted in the LV5D Development Framework with the skills to define, design, dataprep, develop, and deliver impactful dashboards.

  • Define: learn to ask the right questions to define requirements with your stakeholders

  • Design: learn the best practices of data visualization design

  • Dataprep: learn to define requirements for data sources

  • Develop: learn the skills to develop in Tableau Public

  • Deliver: learn to present dashboards to stakeholders to promote understanding and adoption


What will you get from this experience?

  • An internship experience on your resume

  • Tableau Desktop Certification training

  • A data visualization for your Tableau Public portfolio and recognition on our LV website

  • Exposure to data viz communities that could lead to future employment

  • Exposure to analytics in multiple industry verticals

  • Hard skills in Tableau Public

  • Education in data storytelling

  • A process to create story-oriented dashboards

  • Practice leveraging Generative AI for analytics


Not everyone works the same and we want to protect that by building a supportive and creative environment. To create this we:

  • Have clear expectations and success criteria

  • Work collaboratively in small groups

  • Maintain a positive professional atmosphere #nofiredrills

  • Grow the LV community hosting the Bellingham Tableau User Group, TAGNW and other events


We are looking for people we can help to become data visualization specialists. There are 5 core requirements:

  1. You have a creative-analytical brain. Math came easy to you in school but you have also always loved the arts and are looking for a career that requires you to thrive in STEM and uses your creative brain.

  2. You have an eye for design. You recognize the importance of design and will move pixel after pixel to get your message just right for your audience.

  3. You are a planner through and through. You are organized, color-coordinated, and think 5 steps ahead. You know your plans will often have to change and that is okay. You can plan and pivot.

  4. You take initiative. You don’t sit around waiting for someone else to tell you what to do. It’s just not in your nature. You are full of ideas and can get started without step-by-step direction.

  5. You thrive in front of a crowd. The final step in our LiftedViz Development Framework is to Deliver. You are an outgoing individual that jumps at the chance to present work to clients, lead workshops, and be an active member of the data viz community.