our services

We are here to support you wherever you are in your data visualization journey. LiftedViz works on data visualization projects of all sizes. From enabling an organization to start leveraging a chart or two in their monthly reports, to migrating a spreadsheet to a company's first dashboard, to implementing an entire data visualization framework with reusable dashboard templates, resources, and trainings for analytics teams. 

services for those starting their data visualization journey

your first dashboard

We will transform your existing spreadsheet(s) into a professionally designed dashboard that targets your specific business questions, streamlines your reporting process, and enables you to be data-driven.

data visualization 101

We will teach you the fundamentals of data visualization and how it can enable your organization to tell impactful stories with your data, evaluate your situation and needs, and recommend a data visualization platform, roadmap and path forward.

hourly consulting

No commitment and at your pace. We provide our data visualization expertise to you as needed to move your journey forward.

services for those ready to elevate their data visualization program

existing reporting revamp

Are you struggling with report adoption? Is your current reporting challenging to understand? We will revamp your existing reporting to be story-oriented and designed for an optimal user experience.

branded reporting templates

We will create customized templates in Tableau, Power BI or Data Studio with your branding that automate the repetitive, time-consuming, and challenging steps of dashboard design for standardized and trusted reporting across your team.

project management framework

We will build a foundation for your data visualization program by instituting a process framework with reusable resources for every stage of the development process, from gathering requirements to rolling out reporting with training for your team.

services for those seeking ad hoc support

dashboard CREATION

We will design and develop a dashboard specific to your needs. We leverage our LV5D development framework to define, design, dataprep, develop, and deliver a custom dashboard for your business.

dashboard design

We will facilitate gathering project requirements via stakeholder interview(s) or via group workshop(s) and produce a best-practice development-ready report design with data requirements.

custom package

We will do our best to work with you on your custom data visualization needs including dashboard design, report development support, process and template development, training, and more.

services for those seeking to upskill in data visualization

onboarding support

If you are struggling to find talent with the data visualization background you desire, send your employees our way to get trained on both the technical and soft skills required for the role.

team training

We will host virtual or in-person trainings for your team to support the adoption of your data visualization program and tools, and to learn targeted data visualization skills. See our workshops for community training opportunities.

curriculum development

We will create custom resources, trainings, videos, and more for on-demand data visualization education for your organization or university.